09 June 2012

My Lover, My God

by "Laura"
28 May 2012

As they kissed
For the last time
His lips echoed in her ears
Like a chime
An overdose of heroin and meth
Led to his tragic, untimely death
She was broken beyond repair
His last words: 'Take care'
And locked in her mind they stood
Where even death could do no good
And hidden there
In that sad place
Was the voice of God 
Calling her His
And as a tear
Rolled down her face
He offered her His saving grace
He did not judge her
By her face
By her friends
Or what He'd hear
He did not laugh
At what she'd wear
How she looked
Or fixed her hair
He looked deep inside of her
And found Himself that lived in her
She fell in love
Almost instantly
And since then
Loved eternally
He ignited my spark
So I let Him light me
I gave Him my life
And He revived me
Thank you,
My Lover,
My God

One of the students from MCC read this at Infusion.  Powerful stuff, don't you think?

08 June 2012

Communion in a Field

27 May 2012

I've led and participated in communion over a thousand times in my lifetime. I have to admit, while I know the time is packed with meaning, typically I am caught up in the mechanics of leading it.  Once in a while, though, it hits home.  Today was one of those days.

The setting was an open field.  On a small table there was a Bible turned to I Corinthians 11, with plates of bread and juice sitting behind it.  As I knelt before the small table, I read the passage, then I began to look at the elements.  As I looked at them, I became keenly aware of my sin.  This bread - this broken body; this juice - this sacrifice; they proclaimed my unworthiness.

I am unworthy. I can make fun of Adam all I want. I can criticize Eve for being so easily deceived.  But the reality is - I stink!  I sin. I choose to sin. And these elements proclaim it.  They point a finger at me pronouncing me guilty.

I didn't want to cry, but I felt it welling up within me.  Quietly, I began to weep. Jesus died because of me - because of my stupid, rotten, idiotic, smelly, rebellious choices. It is me, O Lord, that needs a Savior!

I let myself be deceived on how wicked I am. I tend to evaluate my sin to be something less than the evil it is.  These lies must stop. I must no longer rationalize and justify myself regarding such irrational behavior.

Let today be a new day - of gratitude - of purity - for His mercies are new every day.

A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself. 
I Corinthians 11.28-29

04 June 2012

Chris Deemer Still Gets All the Fun

24 May 2012

In the summer of 1982, I was introduced to the ministry of Campus Ambassadors when I came across a young man who worked with students at SUNY Oneonta. I remember thinking "what a great job!" If I wasn't a youth pastor, I thought, Chris Deemer's would be just as a good.

Many years later, I met a young man who was an intern with Chris Deemer in Oneonta. I asked Tim Stewart if he would consider coming to Buffalo.  In due time, he did come to Buffalo to begin a new chapter of CA, with a lovely young lady on his arm - a one Karen Deemer.

So, now that I have joined CA, I come to Infusion and I see Chris, Tim and Karen, and their two boys - Joshua and Mitchell. I confess. I am jealous. Chris still gets to have all the fun. He gets to spend time with college students and his grandchildren. Talk about the best of both worlds.

Children's children are a crown to the aged...
Proverbs 17.6