29 July 2012

Legacy: James Albert Decker (10)

Remembrances by James J. Decker
24 June 2012

Legacy he left for me
Proverbs 1:8-9 (ESV) “Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck.”

Proverbs 3:13-15 (ESV) “Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold.  She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.”

My grandfather was my example of wisdom. 
When I had just started at Roberts Wesleyan College in Rochester, New York, I remember starting my first theology class.  I was at Papa and Nana’s house sitting on the couch and Papa was sitting on his comfy chair.  It was ironic that I was sitting on the couch because I never seemed to stay awake on that couch for very long.  Before the comfort of the couch took over, Papa leaned over and said “You know what JJ, people say that there are things in life that are either black or white.  In Jesus, there is NO black and white, there is only white and non-white.”
There was no issue too big, or thankfully, too small, that Papa wouldn’t stop to take the time to sit  - and listen - and offer his wisdom if asked. I always asked.

My grandfather was an example of having a passion for God’s Word. His Bibles were always worn, broken, tattered, ripped, but most importantly: read. When I would walk into their house, he would have a Bible on the kitchen table, end table, and his study. He was a relentless in his study of God’s Word.

He was sold out for Jesus. From his teachings in Sunday School, to his conversations with waitresses at family restaurants, it was unmistakable that he was in love with Jesus. In his conversations with Grace, Elizabeth, Joel and me, his passion was for Jesus. Beginning with his own personal studies, to sitting with Nana at the kitchen table before breakfast, he knew Jesus, and Jesus knew him.

He was my example of a faithful prayer life. Every morning, Papa and Nana would sit around the kitchen table, read through Our Daily Bread, and go through their prayer list. Their son, daughter-in-love, and grandchildren were always on their list. How do I know? Because Papa and Nana would tell us. They never let a moment pass without reminding us.

Personally, I knew I always could go to Papa and Nana if I needed prayer for something (it was as if they had a direct line with God).
Finally, he loved Marilyn. He has always been an example of a husband’s unconditional and faithful love to his wife.

He was always taking care of her, even when it was hard to take care of himself.  And it started immediately after he became a Christian. Whenever Papa would come home from work, whether bricklaying, teaching, or in college, first thing he would do is go find Nana. He would walk right past my dad (sometimes saying "Where is your mother?") - on purpose, every day, without fail.  Even as they grew older, he was always writing her cards and notes, never missing a birthday, Valentine’s Day, or Mother’s Day. It was because of a rock solid belief, that God had given Nana to him. It was the deep appreciation that God had put Nana back into his life. 
And for over 70 years, he loved my grandmother. And I know he still does. 
When asked about what marriage advice Papa could offer, he said this:

                                Ask forgiveness and forgive when hurt or hurtful;
                                Patience with one another;
                                Daily telling your spouse how much you them;
                                Always say ‘I love you’ daily;
                                Let money take care of itself, God has always met our needs;
                                Take time to kiss with passion, regardless of age

It was because of his wisdom, his passion for God’s Word and Jesus, his dedicated prayer life and his love for Nana that I always look to Papa as my example of what a godly man looks like. And I will continue to pursue this.

28 July 2012

Fabulous Friday - My Favorite Five Hymns

27 July 2012

Sorry for the day delay - our family was at Mahaffey!

My Favorite Five Hymns

1.  May the Mind of Christ My Savior

2.  O Little Town of Bethlehem

3.  Blessed Assurance

4.  Come Thou Fount

5.  A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Tell me your favorite five!

23 July 2012

Legacy: James Albert Decker (8)


"We are so grateful to have known your Dad. His love of God, his humor and his way of life was an inspiration to us."

"We want to express our sadness that your father is no longer with you and your family here on earth, but to express our joy in knowing that his pain and tears have ended and he is 'being overwhelmed by it all' in his new home. What a legacy he left behind! May you continue to walk in his footsteps as he walked in the footsteps of Jesus. Knowing Jim will continue to be one of our 'prize possessions.'"

"Sorry to hear about the recent death of your father. I was recalling the 'spiritual' conversation I had with him at Joel's graduation party a few years ago. He was an educator at heart and had an ease with give and take conversation."

22 July 2012

Legacy: James Albert Decker (7)

Remembrances by James J. Decker
24 June 2012

Legacy of His Legs
In 2 Timothy 4:7-8 it says:

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”

Papa ran through high school (East in Rochester), setting records in Rochester for the 400 yd dash and cross-country. 
Every day as a child, he would ice skate.  He frequently spoke about his long runner speed skates and racing with them.

He loved to be outside until a virus in 1994 damaged his nervous system in his legs. Then just walking was never the same.

When Papa and Nana lived at 8135 Mill Road, Papa would walk up and down the hill, and would tell me that if he could pick up his legs and run, he would.  He loved to run.  He loved to race.

He never lost his desire to run.  And even when his body wouldn't allow him to physically run any more, his mind would.  He was in a race to know more about God, more about the Bible, more about Jesus.

He would study for Sunday School and would prepare pages of notes from his Bible study. 

His gift to me was his library, and as I flip through the pages, there are lots of notes that he made in the margins.  I wish he had better handwriting.

Poor Joel, has been tasked with typing up the pages upon pages of notes he has written.  Joel: fight the good fight, we will be indebted to you for this. 

The teacher was always in him.  Through his race to know the Bible, his eyes were always focused on the prize: Jesus.  He ran towards the finish line, right up until the day he died.

He was reading the book Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent.  When he would finish reading, he would read it to Nana.  And after reading with Nana, they would read it again.  And after, again.
Papa loved to run.  His legs loved to run.  His mind loved to run.  He ran so hard, in fact, that on the day he died, his legs gave way, and he fell.  His legs couldn’t hold him anymore.

Somehow, it seems a fitting ending for someone who spent his lifetime running after Jesus.

21 July 2012

Legacy: James Albert Decker (6)

19 July 2012


I read the blog of your Dad's legacy. It all rang true to the exposure I had to Jim Decker. I was surprised - yet not really surprised - to see my name listed as one he prayed for. I seem to remember he told me that he prayed for me regularly the time I saw him when the TCS choir sang at the school in Lima. That was 1998! He continued to be faithful after all these years. I am saddened to know I have one less prayer warrior upholding me. I guess you can say the same. I pray the Lord will fill the void that his departure created.

Sincerely in Christ, your friend,

20 July 2012

Fabulous Friday - My Five Favorite Works of Fiction

My Five Favorite Works of Fiction

Note: To qualify as a favorite, the work has to be read more than once.

1.  The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien (20+ times)

2.  The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis (4 times)

3.  The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis (15+ times)

4.  The Shack by William Young (2 times)

5.  Leave it to Psmith by P. G. Wodehouse (3 times)

What are some of your favorite works of fiction?

19 July 2012

Legacy: James Albert Decker (5)

Remembrances by James J. Decker
24 June 2012

The Legacy of Family

To me, they have always been Papa and Nana.

Papa left a legacy of love for his family:

For JJ:  my choices in life; committed to Jesus through Jr. high, Sr. high and college; when married Natalie, he felt it was such a good choice that I was now in competition with her for his affection.

For Natalie: her beauty, inside and out; her love and commitment to me.

For Grace: great teacher, same as Papa; taught SS, VBS, became school teacher.

For Joe (fiancé) – just getting to know Joe, but Papa loved the fact that Joe’s love for Grace was always evident; I am speculating, but I think he saw a bit of himself in Joe.

For Elizabeth: loved to see her on stage, dance, sing, in church as well; most recently proud of how she has cared for Eric Xavier.

For Joel: so proud of Joel; anytime he had played his instrument or had concert, when I called, only talk was about Joel - auditions, first chair, concerts, scholarships, etc.

For Mom: if not more than Dad; perfect; committed to family and a godly home; energy.

For Dad: his only son; natural leader, through HS, college and career; passion for ministry infectious; commitment to a godly and athletic home; couldn’t be more proud.

For Marilyn: Desribe the most memorable valentine you ever received.  Who sent it to you?  “The greatest valentine I ever received was from God – in the gift of Marilyn, herself.  In February of 1957”

16 July 2012

Legacy: James Albert Decker (3)


Jim was baptized as an Episcopal, a Catholic, and by immersion at the C&MA camp (Delta Lake) near Rome, NY.  He joked often that he was covered by every known mode of baptism.

Jim liked to call Paul’s wife, Dondra, his daughter-in-love.

Jim loved his grandchildren: James Josiah, Grace Margaret, Elizabeth Anna, and Joel Paul Decker.  His first great grandson also earned a special place in his heart: Eric Xavier Decker.

Jim kept the tradition going when Natalie married JJ, and called her his granddaughter-in-love.  He had yet to say the same thing about Grace’s future husband, Joe, but he surely would have called him his grandson-in-love.

Jim was a prayer warrior – plain and simple.  He did not like missing prayer meetings of any kind.

One of Paul’s fondest memories of home life is when Jim came home from work, he would head straight to the kitchen to kiss his wife.

Jim often joked he qualified for heaven because he had visited the C&MA camp in western Pennsylvania (Mahaffey) because it was "a little bit of heaven on earth."

When asked what legacy he would like to leave, he wrote the following:

·         He cared.
·         He loved.
·         He knew grace.
·         He taught.
·         He glorified God.
·         He made amends.
·         He forgave and forgot.

15 July 2012

Legacy: James Albert Decker (2)


James Albert Decker was born to James MacLean Decker and Ruth Erma (Hilbert) Decker in 1927.

Jimmy married his high school crush, Marilyn Anna Knapp, twelve years after they graduated in 1945.

Jim and Marilyn had one son, Paul James, in 1958. They had hoped to have another child, and if it was a girl, her name would have been Carolyn.

Because of his extensive biblical knowledge, people often thought Jim was or had been a pastor.

Jim’s occupations after serving in the US Army were Insurance Underwriter, Bricklayer, Vocational Teacher of Bricklaying, Guidance Counselor (specializing in learning disabilities), Director of Lester B. Forman Center, Business Administrator, and Principal of Lima Christian School.

Hands down, Jim’s favorite job was Principal of Lima Christian School.

Jim’s favorite book, besides the Bible, was A. W. Tozer’s The Knowledge of the Holy.  Recently, he had thoroughly enjoyed Heaven Is for Real by Todd Burpo.

Jim loved to pray for pastors – his son Paul, his nephew Earl Johnson Jr., Wayne Muckel, Ron Johns, Noah Stoltzfus, Mike Maloney, Ray Sissel, Pat Wilson, Don Dixon, Jim Miller, Marty Macdonald along with many, many others.

10 July 2012

Legacy: James Albert Decker (1)

Well Done,
Good and Faithful Servant

James Albert Decker

Born: July 8, 1927
Promoted to Glory: June 21, 2012

I can do all things
through Him
who strengthens me.

Philippians 4.13

08 July 2012

I Am a Christian (Infusion 2012)

28 May 2012

The ongoing story of Alyssa has been mentioned before. She has been on a journey, trying to figure out what makes Christians tick. Having grown up in an atheistic Buddhist home, religion did not make sense to her. But the new found friends of CA intrigued her. She knew they cared about her, regardless of whether she was a Christian or not.

She came to Infusion last year and we saw change. It was incremental, but we confess, we were all very hopeful. When fall rolled around though, Alyssa wasn't around CA as much. Part of it, we know by her own explanation, is that she understood the cost of following Jesus. She clearly stated that she was not willing to give her life to God.

The second semester, the separation seemed to widen. She had a class during LARGE, our weekly meeting on Thursday night. As the semester grew to a close though, she would show up at the end of the meeting. I do know why. She might not admit it, but she got lots of hugs every time she showed up.

We invited Alyssa to Infusion again this year, and her answer was a clear "no." But the CA community did what it does best. They communicated how much they wanted her to be there. The day before Infusion began, Alyssa registered online and bought train tickets. The next day, she took the train from Queens to Grand Central Station, then took Amtrak from NYC to Albany.

It was evident from the start, something was different about Alyssa this time. She was having a great time, but she was also serious - very serious. I could tell just by her body language. She was focused. She was listening. She was wrestling with the truth.

On Sunday, Alyssa attended my class, "Is Jesus Really God?" During the class, she was extremely attentive.  Most were exhausted from our annual hike, but not her. She was determined. She asked intelligent questions throughout as we covered the classic argument of C. S. Lewis in Mere Christianity. Jesus was either a liar, lunatic, or Lord. Clearly, she was wrestling with the choices. After the seminar was over, I spoke to her about getting together the next day and talking to her about the material. Little did I know how much of a mission she was on.

That night, after our evening worship, Alyssa grabbed one of our other students, Andre, and peppered him with questions for three hours. Every objection she could come up with, Andre handled deftly and graciously (he told me later that he was a nervous wreck the whole time, and thought he had really messed things up).

The next day, Alyssa came to me and said, "Let's talk now!" As we began to talk, I told her about the time I first encountered Lewis' argument and how I kept looking for the loophole. I thought it was too easy, that something had to be missing. Not to my surprise, she said, "Me too!"

Alyssa then told me about her conversation with Andre the evening before (of which, until that moment, I was unaware). She said that she kept asking questions, and Andre kept giving credible answers. "In the end," she said, "I got it."

"Got it?" I questioned. "What do you mean?"

"I am a Christian."

There was this moment of silence, because I was stunned into speechlessness at hearing this statement (this is no small feat!). She then told me how at the end of the questions with Andre, she had decided to become a Christian and how Andre had led her in prayer.

Having regained my composure, I asked her, "What does this change?"

"This changes everything. This changes my view on everything."

I don't think I will ever be able to describe the joy of that moment. Alyssa had come home. Two years of conversations, texts, hugs, meetings over lunch, emails, and genuine compassion of her needs - communicated by CA staff and friends - had borne eternal fruit.

And my smiling continued, for a young man that my partner Tim and I have mentored was the one that had the privilege of being there that moment she received Christ.

It was a day to dance.

For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy. 
I Thessalonians 2.19-20, NIV