24 November 2010

"They" - A Rant

"They" are at it again.

I was talking to a friend in North Carolina yesterday, and he told me "they" had come to their church. I was disappointed to hear that news. It has been my experience "they" exclusively go to churches. I was just sorry "they" moved south. I guess "they" are not a northern phenomenon after all.

The context of my friend's story was about music in the church. It is a church that has musical talent, especially among its young people. But, the teenagers are not given much opportunity to participate or lead in worship because of "they."

What would "they" say?

"They" are angry!

"They" are threatening to stop giving.

"They" annoy me. Mostly because their objections are based on their comfort level, not on their mission. Tradition overrules. And instead of hearing the command to go, "they" just sit.

I confess. I wish "they" would get going, or go sit somewhere else.


  1. And all God's people said..."Amen!"

  2. Tony Campolo who we heard speak this weekend says that when we come to the discussion of traditional vs. contemporary, both are right. But they're right not because we say so, but because Jesus said so. Matt. 13:52 says "every teacher of the law who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old"

  3. this is the same story that has been around since "contemporary" Christian music came out 30 some odd years ago...isn't that long enough to make it classic? What's really funny is that some of the original "contemporary" songs are now in hymnals! :)
