03 January 2011


This time, I am watching more closely - really trying to pay attention.

When you are a dad, there is so much responsibility and stress - make a living, be a good dad, meet your wife's needs - and it all goes by so fast. Soccer. Recitals. Concerts. Graduations. Bam! Empty nest.

As "Pops," I find myself intently watching little Xavier. Right now, I am watching him discover that his arm and hand are actually connected to him and that they just might serve a purpose. He is discovering if he maneuvers his arm in just the right way, the desired object will end up where he wants it - his mouth.

Fully absorbed, I find myself looking into Xavier's face. What is going on behind those beautiful blue eyes? He fixes his eyes on lights and colors and movement and...and then he looks at me...and smiles and talks. I admit. I am not sure what he is saying, but I am fairly sure it is about how good looking his Pops is.

How marvelous is God's design! How marvelous is God's image! I know I will be seeing more of it as this little guy grows.

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