07 November 2016

My Vote Is for...

I have finally decided who to vote for in this election. It is just in time. We vote tomorrow as a nation.

I don't apologize for my political leanings. They make sense to me. I am a conservative, both socially and economically. Most of the time, I find myself falling in line with the Republican platform.

I don't believe in big government, and for the record, I don't trust big business  I trust big government even less.

I have toyed with the idea of not voting for either major candidate. I would go and vote, I just wouldn't vote for Clinton or Trump. It would be a vote of "no confidence" in this election.

I am not voting for HRC. I get as far as her abortion stance and I am done. Call me a one issue voter if you prefer, but it is such a fundamental issue. To call the result of conception anything less than a person defies science and common sense. Add to this, issues of integrity and an attitude of superiority that rivals Donald Trump, and there is just no way. If you think she is more qualified because of her experience, I laugh. Experience yes. Incompetence, a bigger yes.

I am not voting for any third party candidate. I've considered it. There is no candidate or platform that has caught my attention or interest.

So, now the reveal...

I am voting for Mike Pence. He is the only candidate that truly represents my values and has lived these same values. I recognize that Pence has some undesirable baggage. His connection to Trump is hugely unfortunate. You may mark my words. I believe Pence will be president if Trump is elected.

Trump is bound to implode. Though he has shown some discipline with his tongue lately, he will not be able to hold it together. His mouth will get him into trouble sooner or later, and he will not be able to talk his way out of it. It will be bad enough that impeachment proceedings will occur. Resignation will be inevitable.

You may think this is just hopeful thinking. I disagree. I believe the evidence points to it.

I don't look forward to the mess Trump will bring, but I do look forward to a president that will lead with integrity and courage.

Pence for President!

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about pence. It seems to be a man of class and can surely control his words
