12 November 2016

Dear "Not My President" Protesters

Dear "Not My President" Protesters,

Welcome to the club. I understand what you are feeling. But as you come in to our organization, please note that I am resigning.

For your information, I have been saying the same thing about President Obama for the last 8 years as he has consistently pushed forward an agenda that did not represent all Americans. You are now discovering how the people of the United States handle this kind of situation. We call it voting.

Nevertheless, do note that I treat the office with respect and refer to our president as President Obama. I respect our country and our democratic process, even though it has tons of flaws.

For the protesters that are rioting...good luck with that. You should note that you show more about your own character than the person you are supposedly protesting. It is my hope that you will use your energy for something more useful and productive to make the country better. What you are doing now will accomplish very little and if you destroy property and hurt people, do note that jail cells are cold.


Paul J. Decker

Not a rioter.
Not excited about President-Elect Trump.
Don't blame me. I wanted Ben Carson. It's not brain surgery.
Michael Pence for President!

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