It is Sunday, May 30, and outside, there are about 50 college students partaking in a spontaneous worship service. It has been going on for an hour.
Maybe it is not so spontaneous. After all, we just came back from a muddy pond where five students testified of their belief in Jesus. They were all wet. I am a big fan of Christians getting all wet.
It reminded me of the summer of 1971, when at 12 years old, I was baptized in Byron, NY, in what we called "Say's Pond" (I suppose it was called that because the Say family owned it). It is interesting to me that a decision that I made at 11 years old is still as "rock solid" today as it was the day I made it.
Some memories of the day in August 1970 when I crossed over from unbelief to belief remain very vivid. As the invitation was made to become a Christian, I remember thinking, "I need this Jesus." I was very convinced that this was the answer to my problems. But when they asked me to indicate that decision by raising my hand, I thought, "I need this Jesus, but I am NOT raising my hand."
But mysteriously, I opened my eyes only to see that my hand was in the air. This only feeds the debate about the role of free will and election when it comes to salvation. I seemed to have lived the tension, because I knew I needed Jesus, but I am absolutely sure I did not raise my hand that was raised in the air.
Ah...we can debate the tension at another time.
In the meanwhile, let me say - it was a great day. We should do baptisms every day!
Paul: It's really good to see you posting. It helps to formulate thought as well as providing an outlet for Spirit-induced subjects that weight upon your heart. Re: what you wrote, while I, as you know, subscribe to election (since it IS biblical), I must say that the older I get the less I can understand how we are saved, other than by the grace of God. We DO believe, but how? That is God's, and I am happy with that! Praise God for the Byron memories!
ReplyDeletePastor Decker,
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear there were public confessions and baptisms. Praise God. Lift them up in constant prayer and time will tell if the professions were true conversion or not. God has a way of sorting that kind of stuff out (ie. election). I too firmly hold to the biblical doctrine of election. Like you said a discussion or debate on that could take up a lot of time (and arminians and calvinists have shown that in the last centuries!). God is the one who regenerates us, replacing our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh, and opening our eyes that we might acknowledge, believe, and trust in the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The response is natural thereafter and whether it's a prayer, a raised hand, a card signed, an isle walked (which at times can be dangerously misleading) God will sort out those who have been indwelt with the Spirit from those who moved on mere emotion and excitement. Just wondering what you meant when you said at 11 you could tell that "this was the answer to my problems?" Could you expand possibly on the problems part? It is interesting to always exchange on God's irresistable grace and what goes on in the mind, heart, and body of a person as they come to true saving faith. Thanks for the post, and I agree that Baptisms are a great time of remembering who God is, what Christ has done for us, and celebrating what has happened in the lives of those publically witnessing for our Lord and Savior! God bless!