These are my observations about this year's presidential election. I was going to say "humble observations," but I will leave that for you to decide.
1. I make no recommendations regarding who to vote for. I believe both major candidates are deeply flawed. And since I can only vote "for" someone and not "against," I don't have anyone I can confidently vote for.
2. I have good friends that have directly or indirectly told me who to vote for. Not one person has persuaded me to vote for their choice. No one. I hope we can still be friends.
3. I believe abortion continues to be the nation's greatest tragedy. Please do not ask me to vote for anyone that supports it. Don't ask me to support someone who asks me to contribute to the abortion industry with my tax dollars. I can't. I won't.
4. I believe the trans issue adds to the moral confusion that our culture is suffering. Please don't ask me to support it. To support gender transitions for children and adolescents is permanently harmful. Please don't ask me to support gender transitions for prisoners with my tax dollars.
5. I am tired of both Republicans and Democrats talking down to people who have ideas and principles that are different from them. Generally speaking, people don't change their minds when they are being insulted. Discussion anyone? Respect anyone?
6. Yes, my mind is made up about the issues above, but I won't call you an "idiot" for taking a position different than mine. I am willing to discuss them anytime.
7. It is my opinion that we have had 8 years of inadequate polarizing leadership on too many levels. I don't expect anything to change. I hope I am wrong.
I miss Ronald Reagan.