19 June 2018

America Is Better Than This?

After the fury (and I mean fury) of comments, I decided to give a summary of my thoughts after I posted the following article on Facebook on Father's Day:


  • Did you read the article? I asked some who were especially critical of me whether they read it, and they all gave me the same answer - silence. Implication: You did not read it.
  • I don't trust the Washington Post either, but I still read the article. I like to be informed and I don't like being an ignoramus. 
  • Guess what? I don't trust the other side either. And if you think "fake" news only comes from the left, you are being naive. Everybody has an agenda.
  • I have read other articles that attempt to justify this treatment of illegals, but I admit that I am at a loss of how Christians can ignore so many vital themes in Scripture to a support this policy and application of the law.
  • The thing is - did you read the article? We all seemed to want to get into the immigration debate. Sure, that is a part of the article, but the part that grabbed me is the "rule" that the children could not be touched. This is what caught the attention of the pediatrician (who, by the way, is a real person) and concerned her. Research shows the lack of touch and separation from caring adults causes trauma. You can blame the parents all you want for being "illegal," but that does not give us permission to be indifferent to policies that cause harm.
  • Just because Hilary called mainstream America "deplorables" does not give us permission to act in a deplorable manner. 
  • My original post read like this: On this Father's Day, let me point out this shameful policy promoted by this administration. Our country is holding children hostage in order to get a wall built. We should be better than this. Shame on any pro-life evangelical that supports this.Matthew 19.13-14; Mark 9.37; Acts 5.29. I will confess, the post was a bit strong (or maybe a lot), but you should have seen what I did not write. 
  • I will also confess that I believe our president has taken us on a ride by making illegal immigrants the cause of all our woes in America and building a wall to solve it. It borders on (pun intended) fear-mongering and that always turns out so well (don't miss the sarcastic smirk associated with that thought).
  • By the way, did you read the article?