11 December 2014
05 December 2014
04 December 2014
Favorite Quotes (19)
The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.
Flannery O'Connor
28 November 2014
Favorite Quotes (18)
The opposite of joy is not sorrow. It is unbelief.
Leslie Weatherhead as quoted by Elton Trueblood in The Humor of Christ
03 November 2014
Innocence at 4 Years Old
Xavy recently turned 4 years old. It is such a delightful age. His innocence is still intact and his life is filled with play and pleasure.
A few Sundays ago, we had some of our students over to watch a football game and we were hungry for some chocolate. So, I went into our Halloween stash and brought out Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Amazingly, we did not finish them and they were left out overnight.
The next day, Xavy was visiting and took some of this candy without asking. That is a tough assignment for a 4 year old. After all, it was left out there in the open.
Nevertheless, his mom felt obligated to discipline him and made him take a "time out" on the steps. His innocence showed through though, when he said, "I'm sorry Mom, it was an accident. But I loved it!"
Of course, as his "Pops," I have a different perspective on such events. Two days later, I was babysitting and I had left him by the television while I was upstairs for about 15 minutes.
When I came down downstairs, Xavy was sitting on the couch eating a Kit Kat. No, I had not left the bag of candy out again. This scenario was different.
While I was gone, he had proceeded downstairs to the basement. Then he moved a chair over to the shelves, and barely reached the bag of candy. Then returning upstairs, he found scissors to cut open the bag. Then after cutting open the bag, he proceeded to enjoy eating the Kit Kats. How do I know this? He told me.
And my reaction to all this? Did I put him in time out? No way! My conclusions: What initiative! How resourceful! What a great demonstration of dexterity! What a refreshing honest explanation! High fives all around!
Here Xavy! Let's eat a few more of these Kit Kats together. And don't tell Mommy, OK?
A few Sundays ago, we had some of our students over to watch a football game and we were hungry for some chocolate. So, I went into our Halloween stash and brought out Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Amazingly, we did not finish them and they were left out overnight.
The next day, Xavy was visiting and took some of this candy without asking. That is a tough assignment for a 4 year old. After all, it was left out there in the open.
Nevertheless, his mom felt obligated to discipline him and made him take a "time out" on the steps. His innocence showed through though, when he said, "I'm sorry Mom, it was an accident. But I loved it!"
Of course, as his "Pops," I have a different perspective on such events. Two days later, I was babysitting and I had left him by the television while I was upstairs for about 15 minutes.
When I came down downstairs, Xavy was sitting on the couch eating a Kit Kat. No, I had not left the bag of candy out again. This scenario was different.
While I was gone, he had proceeded downstairs to the basement. Then he moved a chair over to the shelves, and barely reached the bag of candy. Then returning upstairs, he found scissors to cut open the bag. Then after cutting open the bag, he proceeded to enjoy eating the Kit Kats. How do I know this? He told me.
And my reaction to all this? Did I put him in time out? No way! My conclusions: What initiative! How resourceful! What a great demonstration of dexterity! What a refreshing honest explanation! High fives all around!
Here Xavy! Let's eat a few more of these Kit Kats together. And don't tell Mommy, OK?
28 September 2014
Sayings of Xavy (32)
No doubt, one of the hardest matters to capture as a child, is the passing of time...
Xavy: How much more till we are home?
Pops: About 15 minutes. We are making great time.
Xavy: So, how long is that? Is it like 20 dump trucks?
So, how does one answer that?
Does his response mean that we will get home by the time I have passed 20 trucks? That might be his thinking. There is a certain logic to that.
Does his response mean that he is trying to drive Pops crazy? That he is saying it with a Decker smirk that has been passed on down from generation to generation. There is a certain logic to that as well.
Xavy: How much more till we are home?
Pops: About 15 minutes. We are making great time.
Xavy: So, how long is that? Is it like 20 dump trucks?
So, how does one answer that?
Does his response mean that we will get home by the time I have passed 20 trucks? That might be his thinking. There is a certain logic to that.
Does his response mean that he is trying to drive Pops crazy? That he is saying it with a Decker smirk that has been passed on down from generation to generation. There is a certain logic to that as well.
Xavy Decker, 4 years old
16 September 2014
11 September 2014
Sayings of Xavy (30)
Xavy on projectile
vomiting: "That cheese came spinning out of my mouth!"
Xavy Decker, 3 years old
10 September 2014
Sayings of Xavy (29)
Mommy: What is my full name Xavy?
Xavy: Mom Elizabeth Bug.
Xavy Decker, 3 years old
05 September 2014
04 September 2014
Sayings of Xavy (27)
One nation,
under God, indiviseral, with Statue of Liberty and justice for all!
Xavy Decker, 3 years old
03 September 2014
Sayings of Xavy (26)
We went to The Pancake
House for breakfast one weekend, and Xavy decided he wanted waffles. He
decided to show Dondra this in the menu: "See, Nani? Right here.....it says, B...U...T...T...E...R...Waffles!
Xavy Decker, 3 years old
29 August 2014
Sayings of Xavy (25)
"What time is my
birthday coming? Because it's taking a long time to be three."
Xavy Decker to his Pops, 2 weeks before his 4th birthday
22 August 2014
Sayings of Xavy (24)
Elizabeth: Hey Xavy! Guess
Xavy; What?
Elizabeth: Its my birthday.
Xavy: Oh! Well, at least it's not MY birthday.
Thank goodness.
Xavy; What?
Elizabeth: Its my birthday.
Xavy: Oh! Well, at least it's not MY birthday.
Thank goodness.
Xavy Decker, 3 years old
21 August 2014
Sayings of Xavy (23)
Xavy was talking to Dondra about a friend he met, whose skin was red and itchy.
"You know what, Nani? He had POISON
Xavy Decker, 3 years old
20 August 2014
Sayings of Xavy (22)
Mommy: Xavy, you are tired, aren't you?
Xavy: No, I amn't.
Xavy Decker, 3 years old
19 August 2014
Sayings of Xavy (21)
Xavy's prayer at
dinner one night:
"Dear Jesus, Thank you for this food. (pause) And I
appreciate that I did not run away from my family, (pause) and that they protect
me from sharks. Thank you that this town is nice. Amen."
Fun guy!
Xavy Decker, 3 years old
18 August 2014
Sayings of Xavy (20)
It's got to be a
mystery why Pops's hair isn't on. Maybe it's lost in the woods!
Xavy Decker, 3 years old
15 August 2014
13 August 2014
Well Done: Jacob Bradley Baxter (1)
In Memoriam:
Jacob Bradley Baxter
Jake was first and foremost a man of God, a loving
husband to Chrissy and a model father to Ruthie (4), Nadia (2), and Chase (7
weeks). He’s refused to allow complacency to dominate any aspect of his life,
constantly pushing himself and others to be better. He wanted to serve the Lord
with all that he had and wanted the same for those around him. He understood
genuine worship and led worship beautifully, in his actions as well as his
At 28 years of age, Jake’s maturity often defied
logic as he was looked to as a mentor and even father-figure by many who were
much older. He was incredibly humble, undaunted by circumstances, as
resourceful as they come, and down to earth.
He was willing to follow his convictions, no matter
how they fit into the plans he had. When the Holy Spirit led him to a radical
lifestyle, he responded; the community house stands as a tribute to his
child-like faith. He lived his life by example, and we cherish the impact that
his life has had on all of us.
He loved sharing his faith and offered his humor,
or interjected a challenging and timely thought at just at the right time to
make anyone he was with feel both at ease and yet contemplative. He was
passionate about seeing young people live their lives fully for Jesus Christ
and about improving community. These qualities will continue to shine through
those Jake has left behind and speak as a true testament to the love he
demonstrated while with us. His vision will not end here.
Note: The preceding paragraphs were written for the
program of Jake’s memorial service, held on 9 August 2014, at Pearce Memorial
Church in North Chili, NY.
12 August 2014
Sayings of Xavy (18)
Mommy (Elizabeth): Why do you keep asking "why" for everything?
Xavy: I'm saying "why" because I want to know about
Mommy's comment: I guess that's a good reason to say
"why" 200 times a day.
Xavy Decker, 3 years old
11 August 2014
That Coca-Cola Commercial
Super Bowl 2014
For the most part, the commercials during this year’s Super
Bowl were duds, not unlike Peyton’s performance (I am still in a state of grief
over that). The ones that were meant to be funny were not so funny. The ones
that were meant to be serious excelled in dullness. If you were rooting for
Denver (like I was), it was hours of ho-hum. For me, the only highlight was
Bruno Mars’ cool moves during the halftime show.
Actually though, there was one minute that was better than
the Mars moves. Coca-Cola sponsored a commercial of America the Beautiful being
sung in Spanish, Tagalog, Mandarin, Hindi, Keres (Pueblo), Senegalese-French,
Arabic, and English. I turned to a friend as soon as the commercial concluded
and said, “Oh, what some of my 'friends' are going to say…”
Shortly, I was engaged in conversation with one of my
friends on Facebook who was denouncing Coke with great fervor. As I engaged
into the conversation, it was not long until I was told to live in Syria or
Iraq, that I was a liberal, and good luck after I vote for Hillary. Really?
Because I defended people singing how great America is in their heart language?
It got better, of course. To make his case, he said, “Try
making a commercial like that in Syria.” To which I replied, “That’s the point!
We can. They cannot.” He deleted that post. Don’t mess with me.
The rants will continue, I am sure. “Speak English or go
home!” But such rants will fail to take into consideration that our founding
fathers were fluent in many languages – French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, and
Greek. Interestingly, our eighth president’s language was Dutch, learning
English later. I don’t recall any of them being told to “Speak English or go
This is a discussion that hits home for me – literally. Our
home is periodically filled with those whose heart language is not English.
Arabic, Spanish, Mandarin, Bengal, Hindi, Russian, Tagalog, Japanese, and a
host of other languages have graced our walls and we are the richer for it. And
their speakers all had one thing in common. They were so glad to be here in the
United States.
So, bravo Coca-Cola! I raise my glass of Coke and say, “Well
done!” America is beautiful in every language!
08 August 2014
Legacy - James Albert Decker (21)
Mr. Decker,
I wanted to write and thank you, 10 years later, for
all that you taught our class at LCS!
This has been a year of testing for me. I am now a single
mother. I have never grieved more than I have over this. But through the
suffering I learned in a real way who my Jesus is. I leaned on Him, I leaned on
the knowledge of his attributes, and His names. No matter how dark my day,
always in my heart was the great truth that He IS the I AM – unchanging,
eternal, holy…My rock.
I am preparing now to help teach a small portion of a
ladies’ Bible study that starts this fall; I get to teach the names of Christ. Already
the materials from the class you taught me are helping me prepare for that. My
tattered copy of “The Knowledge of the Holy” is getting some mileage again! So thank
you – thank you for teaching something practical, useable, and eternal. It
has changed my life.
My daughter is in the living room singing “I’ll fly away, oh
glory, I’ll fly away…” Oh, how the Lord has given us beauty for ashes this
Thank you again for everything. You’ll always be a part of
our lives because you taught us to know our God!
In Christ,
Note: I have left the name off because of the personal
nature. I think it was written around 2005, but I am making a guess from an
unclear postmark.
Dad was especially encouraged by this note and showed it to
everyone that was close to him. It was not a matter of pride for him. Rather,
it was a clear demonstration that the seeds he had planted had produced fruit.
He was like anyone else in Christian service. It is good to know that you have
made a difference in your service to the Lord.
Perhaps, you need to express thanks to someone in your past
today that made a difference in you!
05 August 2014
Legacy - James Albert Decker (20)
Dear Jim,
You gave such a valuable and timely lesson today. I felt
each word was measured and meaningful. I haven’t taken so many notes on a
sermon in a long time!
The old and new testaments were tied together in a new light
for me and I was left with a deeper reverence for Almighty God.
Ending with such an appropriate song allowed us to respond
to God and to your message in an upbeat manner. In this case, truly a worship
Thank you,
Elfriede Ferguson
(date unknown)
Note: What do you mean you haven't taken so many notes in a sermon in a long time? What about all of my messages that preceded his? Oh, never mind. I don't want to know the answer. :-)
03 August 2014
Legacy - James Albert Decker (19)
Dear Mr. Decker,
Thank you for your special message during the service
The title, “Glory to God!” drew me in and I was struck to give
God glory by the end. I was blessed so much by your message.
May God richly bless you and Marilyn!
In Him,
(written December 10, 2007)
Note: This was in reference to a time I let Dad speak in my
stead at Randall. My, I am a brave man!
01 August 2014
Legacy - James Albert Decker (18)
We were saddened to hear of Jimmy’s passing but rejoicing
that he is with the Lord he loved and faithfully served his whole life. We will
never forget the wonderful times of joy and laughter we had with Jimmy, Marilyn
and Paul. We always appreciated him praying for us in our ministry. Do know our
prayer support will continue to be with you.
Glen and Mary Barnes
(written June 22, 2012)
Note: Glen's note reminded me of one of my dad's finest characteristics. Every Sunday morning, he would pray for the pastors with whom he had a personal relationship. He would consistently pray for men like Glen, as well as others like, Earl Johnson, Sam McGarvey, Wayne Muckel, Ray Sissell, Pat Wilson, Mike Maloney, Noah Stoltzfus, Jim Miller, Don Dixon, and...well, it became a long list. Of course, he prayed for me too! He understood how difficult the task was that was before us, so he never failed to pray. What a legacy he has left!
31 July 2014
Legacy - James Albert Decker (17)
Jim was always able to inspire us at Lima Christian School.
He would speak at chapel about things that he was learning about the Lord. He
was a true seeker of the truth.
I remember that he always signed every communication with
the words “Peace and Joy.” Now he is experiencing peace and joy in the presence
of the Lord.
See you someday, Jim, when we will all be enjoying our
eternal life with the Lord and with each other. Thank you, Jim, for your
service to Lima Christian School and the larger body of Christ.
Elaine Schwartz
18 July 2014
Legacy - James Albert Decker (16)
18 July 2014
It has been over two years since my father was welcomed into the presence of the Lord. I have been holding onto a few notes that were written to him or about him and hope to have them out on the blog soon. Here is the first, written about him soon after his passing.
We remember Mr. Jim Decker and his jolly, jovial, and gentle
smile. Every day, in our living room, we admire his expert penmanship in his
beautifully framed wedding gift to us of our wedding verse. We know he will be
greatly missed here earth-side, yet rejoice he has been welcomed Heaven-side by
Our Almighty God’s everlasting arms.
Memory eternal, Mr. Jim Decker!
With much love,
Matthew, Alethea, Mariel & Andrew Tan
08 July 2014
Sayings of Xavy (17)
4 July 2014
Xavy: Pops, smell my nose.
Pops: (sniff, sniff)
Xavy: What is that I am smelling?
Xavy: Pops, smell my nose.
Pops: (sniff, sniff)
Xavy: What is that I am smelling?
Xavy Decker, 3 years old
12 June 2014
Favorite Quotes (17)
12 June 2014
God loves you - and I have a wonderful plan for your life.
God loves you - and I have a wonderful plan for your life.
Paul J. Decker
15 April 2014
Some Musings on Tax Day
15 April 2014
Some musings that will hopefully bring a smile to your face:
Last night, I was listening to the forecast that it was going to snow today. I decided that I was going to do something about it. I mean, we have had enough snow. Enough is enough. So, I went outside with my staff and slammed it down on the ground and yelled, "You shall not pass!" I was confident that this would do the job.
This morning, it is snowing. Apparently, I need a new staff, or become Gandalf, because this is an epic failure.
As it was snowing, I was standing at the back door with Xavy who seemed to be genuinely excited about the snow, the poor child. I yelled once again, "Snow, snow, go away, come again...in December." Another epic failure on my part. It doesn't rhyme.
Xavy looked at me, and said, "It is not working Pops!" Great, now my grandson is pointing out my failures. This day is already not going well.
It figures that it is snowing on April 15. Dealing with the government is typically a cold proposition.
I made my way to the Post Office this morning, because though I was able to send the forms of my son, daughter, and mother electronically, for the umpteenth year in a row, ours would not transmit electronically. I know how to keep the USPS in business.
Reason #1 - you need to explain the term "housing allowance." Dear IRS: The term "housing allowance" is the portion of my salary that is set aside to be used for...ummm...housing. Your Humble and Obedient Servant, Paul J. Decker.
Reason #2 - you need to explain your reason of reported income as "unused housing allowance." Dear IRS. The reason I stated "unused housing allowance" refers to the amount of money that was not used for...ummm...housing. Your Humble and Obedient Servant, Paul J. Decker.
So, I get to the Post Office and they use my first name. They know me like that at the Pharmacy as well. I have the Cheers thing going at the most unusual places.
After getting the tax forms mailed, I asked for 100 stamps. All they had was Charlton Heston. I liked that so much, I proclaimed in a booming voice, "Thus saith the Lord" so that everyone in the Post Office could hear it. Actually I surprised my self. I was good.
I joked with the gals there that my college students don't know who Charlton Heston is or the movie "The Ten Commandments." Case in point, the guy being waited on in the line next to me smiled at me, but obviously had no idea what we were talking about. Another epic failure, but I don't think it is all my fault.
Well, this day can only get better...I think...
Some musings that will hopefully bring a smile to your face:
Last night, I was listening to the forecast that it was going to snow today. I decided that I was going to do something about it. I mean, we have had enough snow. Enough is enough. So, I went outside with my staff and slammed it down on the ground and yelled, "You shall not pass!" I was confident that this would do the job.
This morning, it is snowing. Apparently, I need a new staff, or become Gandalf, because this is an epic failure.
As it was snowing, I was standing at the back door with Xavy who seemed to be genuinely excited about the snow, the poor child. I yelled once again, "Snow, snow, go away, come again...in December." Another epic failure on my part. It doesn't rhyme.
Xavy looked at me, and said, "It is not working Pops!" Great, now my grandson is pointing out my failures. This day is already not going well.
It figures that it is snowing on April 15. Dealing with the government is typically a cold proposition.
I made my way to the Post Office this morning, because though I was able to send the forms of my son, daughter, and mother electronically, for the umpteenth year in a row, ours would not transmit electronically. I know how to keep the USPS in business.
Reason #1 - you need to explain the term "housing allowance." Dear IRS: The term "housing allowance" is the portion of my salary that is set aside to be used for...ummm...housing. Your Humble and Obedient Servant, Paul J. Decker.
Reason #2 - you need to explain your reason of reported income as "unused housing allowance." Dear IRS. The reason I stated "unused housing allowance" refers to the amount of money that was not used for...ummm...housing. Your Humble and Obedient Servant, Paul J. Decker.
So, I get to the Post Office and they use my first name. They know me like that at the Pharmacy as well. I have the Cheers thing going at the most unusual places.
After getting the tax forms mailed, I asked for 100 stamps. All they had was Charlton Heston. I liked that so much, I proclaimed in a booming voice, "Thus saith the Lord" so that everyone in the Post Office could hear it. Actually I surprised my self. I was good.
I joked with the gals there that my college students don't know who Charlton Heston is or the movie "The Ten Commandments." Case in point, the guy being waited on in the line next to me smiled at me, but obviously had no idea what we were talking about. Another epic failure, but I don't think it is all my fault.
Well, this day can only get better...I think...
09 April 2014
Favorite Quotes (16) - Grover's
9 April 2014
Unsupervised children will be given sugar and a free puppy.
Unsupervised children will be given sugar and a free puppy.
Sign in Grover's Bar & Grill
06 April 2014
Favorite Quotes (15) - from Ollie's Bargain Outlet
6 April 2014
"If you can't find what you are looking for, look for something else."
"If you can't find what you are looking for, look for something else."
Sign in Ollie's Bargain Outlet
05 April 2014
Favorite Quotes (14) - Jerry Gillis
5 April 2014
Nothing can take the place of the gospel. Everything will try.
Nothing can take the place of the gospel. Everything will try.
Jerry Gillis
Lead Pastor
The Chapel at CrossPoint
04 April 2014
Favorite Quotes (13) - "The African Queen"
4 April 2014
"By the authority granted to me by his Imperial Majesty Kaiser Wilhelm the Second, I pronounce you man and wife - proceed with the execution."
"By the authority granted to me by his Imperial Majesty Kaiser Wilhelm the Second, I pronounce you man and wife - proceed with the execution."
Captain of the Louisa in The African Queen
29 March 2014
Favorite Quotes (12) - J. B. Phillips
29 March 2014
In a very basic sense, He has always been the critical issue in the church, and for that matter, in history. Invariably and inevitably, when anything else is made the issue it tends to divide those for whom Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord.
In a very basic sense, He has always been the critical issue in the church, and for that matter, in history. Invariably and inevitably, when anything else is made the issue it tends to divide those for whom Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord.
J. B. Phillips
28 March 2014
Favorite Quotes (11)
28 March 2014
The unwilling, appointed by the incompetent, met together to do the unnecessary.
The unwilling, appointed by the incompetent, met together to do the unnecessary.
26 February 2014
24 February 2014
Favorite Quotes (9) - C. S. Lewis
24 February 2014
"All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on for ever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.”
"All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on for ever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.”
C.S. Lewis, The Last Battle
17 February 2014
We Are in This Together!
17 February 2014
We are without a doubt journeying together - imperfect people on a sin-ridden planet - redeemed and in the process of being redeemed - as we become more like Him. We do this thing together. And when one fails, we pick them up and urge them onward, knowing we may need them to do the same for us.
This is counsel I gave a young believer who was struggling with recurring sin in her life.
We are without a doubt journeying together - imperfect people on a sin-ridden planet - redeemed and in the process of being redeemed - as we become more like Him. We do this thing together. And when one fails, we pick them up and urge them onward, knowing we may need them to do the same for us.
This is counsel I gave a young believer who was struggling with recurring sin in her life.
17 January 2014
12 January 2014
Favorite Quotes (7) - Taylor Swift
"I was excited to be onstage because I just won the award. And then I was excited that Kanye West was onstage. Then, I wasn't excited anymore."
Taylor Swift
07 January 2014
Favorite Quotes (6) - Martin Luther
7 January 2014
Sinners are attractive because they are loved; they are not loved because they are attractive.
Sinners are attractive because they are loved; they are not loved because they are attractive.
Martin Luther
06 January 2014
Favorite Quotes (5)
6 January 2014
If you can't be a good example, you will have to be a horrible warning.
If you can't be a good example, you will have to be a horrible warning.
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