18 February 2013
The Newtown tragedy is still lingering on my mind. So I have some questions.
1) Why Assault Weapons?
I mean, why are they even available to anyone? Consider what they are used for. It is rather simple. They are made to kill a lot of people in a short amount of time. They are not used for hunting. They are not used for target practice. They are not used to defend your home. They are simply used to kill lots of people...period.
2) May I Please Be Against Assault Weapons, but Not the Second Amendment?
I am not anti-gun. I am against repealing the second amendment. Guns have their place. I want people to be able to hunt freely. I want people to be able to defend their homes with guns if they so choose.
3) May I Please Be Against Assault Weapons, and Not Hear a Sermon about My Rights?
We heard it with a person's right to property. That was slavery. In our day, we hear about a person's right over their own body and their right to choose. As a result, babies are discarded. Rights are not absolutes. Frankly, some people's claims to rights sound ridiculous to me.
4) When Do These Demands Stop?
Would it be alright with you if I parked my M1 tank in my front yard? I need it to defend my home. Also, I need my Apache helicopter to practice my target practice. One more thing, I need that new missile launcher. I am giving it a new nickname - the Deerslayer.
5) Is the Second Amendment a God-Given Right?
I heard some Christians say this recently. You know, the Constitution of the United States is not inspired. So, stop saying such nonsense.
I don't know what the answer to all of this. But this I do know. When courageous and innocent souls die in the face of blatant evil, our sorrow should move us into action. The status quo is unacceptable.
Your comments are welcome (as long as they make sense).